The Residents in Japan: The Blue Note
The following text is an archived version of my original forum posts about The Residents in Japan. I've done more research since making those posts, so I'll try to add additional context if I get something horribly wrong.
The Residents BACK in Japan!
Now, on this forum, and particularly this thread, I like to point out my interest in Japanese idols. I really dig the complete contrast of some of my big music/performance tastes, so I think it's funny to remind everyone of that. Anyway, I'll be going to Japan in March to watch the "THE IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE! 4thLIVE TH@NK YOU for SMILE!!" concert... yeah, as passionate as I am about that it is a bit embarrassing to say it on a Residents forum of all places. I'm also hoping one of my favorite Japanese performers of actual weird (well, compared to normal pop) music, Mishio Ogawa, live as well during the trip. And yet one thing I always thought would be cool to do in Japan is actually watch a western music group perform live! I mean, obviously I'm interested in Japanese perspectives of western media, so that just sounds amazing right?
Wait what? Huh?! The Residents are coming to Japan again... next March?! Well... dang.
Dang. I did not see that coming! The Residents are going to be performing in Japan! Let's translate that blurb a bit better than the robots, shall we?
The Residents, who have continued to provide shock to the world since 1985, are coming to Japan for the first time in 32 years!
Tuxedos, Top hats, and Eyeball Masks are their trademarks. The Residents, for the first time in 32 years since 1985, have decided to visit Japan for a live performance. They formed in around 1966 in the American state of Louisiana and debuted in 1974 with their debut album "Meet The Residents". "Eskimo" and "The Commercial Album" were captured in the performance of "The Eyeball Show", and they were the first of their many much-discussed works and controversial expressions. Though they always take masked forms during their live performances, their sound and visual art have continued to have a big influence on music scenes from rock to avant-garde and many artists. In 2017, there are plans to announce a new work, and also to continue activities without revealing their identities as the "We have no sex, face, or personality" Residents. I want to feel their unique worldly feelings of their live performances.
That second to last sentence though...
(Untitled Post)
Here is a translated blurb from the "Medama no Gakkou" (School of Eyeballs) event happening in Japan about a month before the shows:
Formed in the late 60's, the mysterious American music group "The Residents" who have stared at the world with those big eyeballs are miraculously coming to Japan for the first time in 32 years! They will be holding the world premier performance of their new show "In Between Dreams" at Blue Note Tokyo in March. To commemorate this, music critic Manabu Yuasa, who was the editor of the Resident's biographical book "The Eyeball That Sees The Dancing Eyeball*" and who calls them "The most famous enigma in the world of American music", is offering a course on them titled "School of Eyeballs"-- A one night lesson with fundamental knowledge about The Residents, a screening of footage about their current activities, and a trial listening of a sound generator all joined together with commentary!
*The Japanese title to Uncle Willie's Guide to The Residents

On an unrelated note, I love that the eyeballs are being used as the dakuten in the logo (The two dots/dashes that should be in the だ in めだま are replaced with the eyeballs). That's a pretty common thing to see in Japanese logos and stuff, but to see it done with the Residents eyeballs is pretty darn amazing. The の with a top hat is pretty great as well.
(Untitled Post 2)
I was going to post something regarding Japanese comments on Rz videos hosted online... but I actually have some news to deliver instead!
A new event is happening on Monday, March 6th in Japan! The web broadcasting platform DOMMUNE will be broadcasting a program to commemorate The Residents' first appearance in Japan in over 30 years later in March. The program will feature talks on The Residents from various experts, inluding Manabu Yuasa, who led the "Medama no Gakkou" event that happened a few weeks ago. There will also be Rz music played later in the program. So basically it sounds a lot like that whole "Medama no Gakkou" event. The music segments are even called "learning" segments, like you're taking a class at the school of eyeballs.
The great thing about this event, though, is that you'll be able to watch it live! It'll be broadcast live on March 6th, from 21:00~25:00 JST. Or about 4:00 am to 8:00 am pacific time on March 6th. You can view it live either from their website or as a live stream on their Youtube channel. However, you cannot rewatch any old streams, you can only tune in live to watch it. The DOMMUNE website has this interesting quote, though: "DOMMUNE is only possible because of the help of all the performers, the artists who make the music played, and many other people. You can record the DOMMUNE stream for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not post it online or make it available for download. We ask that you respect this policy so that everybody can enjoy DOMMUNE!" If you can tune in, maybe look into recording it... just for archiving purposes, of course!
Anyway, one other thing about this event is that people can actually go to the studio they record from and be part of the "studio audience"! And I will be there! Yay!
(Untitled Post 3)
So, how about that whole DOMMUNE broadcast, right? I don't think anyone recorded it... but it was pretty awesome! I was there for the first half of the program before I had to bail out so I could make it back to where I was staying before the trains stopped, but being there was well worth the 20 minute walk from the station in the cold! A funny thing about the studio was that while we were walking there, we got lost and walked by this group of about 20 people gathered around a building in the general area where the studio was supposed to be... we walked past, thinking that there was no way that group was there for The Residents thing... only to find out after swearing at Google Maps a few times that it was indeed the building! Not all of them were actually there for the event, as there was something going on before it, but it was still surprising to see all the people who were interested in The Residents.
And yeah, the whole program was basically just an overview of the history of The Residents. It was still pretty cool, and I even saw a poster for The Eyeball Show I had never seen before! And I got to talk to a Japanese Rz fan in the audience! Coolio!
Also I went to a Tower Records in Shibuya (yes, those still exist in Japan) later in the week and picked up some cool stuff. I picked up an interesting Japanese remix album titled "Attack of the Killer Black Eyeball" by XXX RESIDENTS. Yeah, a Japanese Residents Remix album! And even more interesting is the fact that this XXX RESIDENTS group was created by (or at least with heavy involvement with) Naohiro Ukawa... who also created the DOMMUNE clube and streaming studio. I wonder if that DOMMUNE event was Blue Note Tokyo's idea or just his idea...
I have to say that "Attack of the Killer Black Eyeball" was pretty interesting, but... well, it wasn't the best album I've ever heard, let's just put it that way.. I appreciated "Harsh Noise For Hotel Missy Kyoto" the most... you can probably find that one on youtube or somewhere if you'd like to listen to it.
Anyway, Tower Records also had actual Residents albums! Quite a few, too. They had WB:RMX, The Third Reich 'n Roll, Demons Dance Alone, Mark of the Mole, Not Available, Animal Lover, Icky Flix, The King and Eye RMX, The Big Bubble, Intermission, and I think a few other ones too. I remember they had one album in particular on the shelf that completely surprised me... but... that's a story for another time.
An Interview With The Residents
This thread's topic title. YES. It's happening right now. The Residents ARE in Japan! Man... when I created this thread I had a few topics I selected to cover and expected only a slow flow of small updates after that... I didn't expect to be talking about actual NEWS, and certainly not breaking news on... well, just see!
So, the first of the In Between Dreams shows happened yesterday... or today... or whatever. Now unfortunately, no setlist or really any live reports have come out. So sorry about the lack of any information there. Will post more info as it comes available. There has been a bit of info put out about the shows though. First off, Blue Note Tokyo will be serving a special drink during these shows called TYRONE'S OBSCURITY, which contains Pastis and lychees (which look kind of like eyeballs...). I'd love to try an official Residents drink! Anyway, Blue Note has also talked about at least some of the official goods, including classic eyeball shirts (of course!) and The Ghost of Hope in both vinyl and CD forms! I think some people have gotten the album a bit early and have been a bit quiet about it... but Blue Note has specifically stated on their website that the album would available at these shows prior to official release.
One last bit of news is that Blue Note has put out an interview with The Residents... and, well if you've followed this thread before, then you know it means it's TRANSLATION TIME. I knew this interview was going to be great when I saw this quote from it: 「トランプは"The Ghost of Nope"」... That got my attention... and as you read my horrible translation, you'll see why it caught my eye! But seriously... we have some truly amazing info here in this interview on the show and maybe some other things...
New costumes also unveiled! Interview with The Residents just before their performance
Trump is 'The Ghost of Nope'
They've been doing their activities for 45 years and even now The Residents show now signs of deviating from that.
We've decided to interview as the performance becomes imminent!Is it a dream, a phantom, a shadow, darkness, or all of that? The Residents... Those Residents from America that come. To Japan. From March 21 to the 23, they'll be doing their first performance in 32 years and they came to take our questions in an interview. What is this world-premier program, "In Between Dreams"? What are The Residents', who have reached 45 years of activity, current status?
interview & text = Manabu Yuasa
[Translator's note: This is the guy who did the Medama no Gakkou event, as well as the DOMMUNE event, and translated Uncle Willie's guide. At this point, think of him as part of the Japanese branch of the Cryptic Corporation.]This time, this Japan show "In Between Dreams" is called a world premiere, but what is the theme or concept of this program?
It's even in the title, the concept is "dreams". The Residents have chosen songs that meet this concept from their vast repertoire for this show. Also, for the show, there are videos produced with characters talking about "dreams". This time the costumes are modeled after plague doctors. These doctors believe that disease has spread all over the world, and they believe that it can be cured only by dreams created by The Residents or escaping to created worlds.
Why was Japan chosen as the place for the world premiere?
Since The Residents first performed in Japan in 1985, I think they've always wanted to come back. There were plans for a small Japan tour in 2011, but they were canceled by the earthquake disaster. So this time, when they heard from the agent that there was potential for being able to go to the Blue Note Tokyo, they were really looking forward to it.
How did you come to this work, or what was it's motivation?
The beginning motivation was this Japanese show. The Residents weren't planning anything in particular for their 2017 tour. But their motivation for new works was inspired from this unexpected offer.
How is it related to past work of The Residents?
Basically it's just new arrangements of existing works. However, there are also some new songs unveiled, and some from a new project, "The Fixie Man" will be performed.
Can we hear a bit more about "The Fixie Man"?
It's a very dramatic project based on an albino blues singer from the 1960's.
Is there any relationship between the new Residents album "The Ghost of Hope" and "In Between Dreams"? And if so, what is it?
They will also be playing songs from The Ghost of Hope on this stage. The Ghost of Hope is themed around train accidents, and it's also a metaphor for the darkness of western civilization. The darkness cannot vanish until the world learns how to dream again. The Residents have appeared to help with that.
It's the first time in 37 years that The Residents have come to Japan, but in those 37 years, have their been any changes in The Residents? Can I please get the facts?
The years have piled on, they've grown wiser, and they have children and even grandchildren. Hair has become grey, and they don't eat as much as they used to. But they are by no means gloomy, and even now get excited to discover fun day by day.
A few comments on arriving at 45 years of your activities. Are there any special feelings?
It feels like a very long time has passed since the beginning of The Residents. However, the future is always open just like it was 45 years ago, and they are still full of new ideas.
If you could describe 45 years of The Residents in one word, how would you?
Please tell me about any ongoing projects right now.
A stage show based on the 1988 album "God in Three Persons" is in production. Also, they're starting to rebuild the experimental film "Vileness Fats" which had its production stopped incomplete in the 70's.
Is there taboo for The Residents? If so, what kind of things?
The Residents don't like rules.
What is The Residents' favorite food?
Well to start, The Residents is a 4 person group so each has their own favorite.
This is a very difficult question, but if The Residents were forced to be pushed into a music genre, where would they be? (Multiple genres are acceptable)
The Residents will only be categorized into their own genres.
What are The Residents' thoughts on US President Donald Trump?
They try not to think about him as much as possible, but that's difficult. He is certainly "The Ghost of Nope".
The new costume for "In Between Dreams" was shocking. What will the sound be like? It would be fortunate if you could see it in a dream. Make the eyeballs long and let's wait.
Live Report
Blue Note put out a live report with pictures and a setlist (obviously with English titles) which I reccomend you check out. Here is what the little blog entry says.
Live Report
Kazunori Harada's Bloggin' BLUE NOTE TOKYOA unit engulfed in an excessively big mystery, The Residents have accomplished their miraculous revisit to Japan. The last time they performed in Japan was in 1985. I was surely just getting out of middle school when the live review and artist photographs published in the magazine "Takarajima" came before my eyes. As I saw those outfits that were like a combination of space aliens and masked wreslters I grieved over the misfortune that I could not attend the performance. "I want to see them live someday", I thought with resolution. In other words, I was drawn in from their outward appearance. It's been close to 20 years since I've started listening to their various albums because mass production of Japanese edition CD's have been put onto the market by Bomba Records. Among these is "George & James", a collection of George Gershwin and James Brown related songs in an unprecedented style, an overwhelmingly bizarre idea, a time which I constantly enjoy. The concept of recreating the crowds of Brown's famous recording, "Live at the Apollo" ('62), with electronic sounds of a violent speed is even now intense to my waist. [Translator's note: I don't get it and Google translate doesn't get it either.]
When I first entered the venue, the curtain with the eyeball character familiar to fans drawn on it and the large white spheres on the left-hand side of the stage caught my eye. There were four members. Starting from the left, there was the vocalist, the keyboardist, and the guitarist, with the one on laptop and sense drum positioned behind the keyboardist. The vocalist was wearing a black and white skin-tight suit resembling a cow costume. Horns were sprouting from his head and his stomach band were charming. The other members were disguised as birds with giant beaks. This time they're tackling the world premiere performance of their new show, "In Between Dreams". I'm writing to avoid spoilers to some degree. The show's contents comprise of 3 parts: "The Cowboy Dream", "The Train Wreck Dream", and "The Ballerina Dream". I could appreciate the varied singing voice which I wanted to call the "Rainbow Voice". A roaring low voice, a husky harsh voice, changing to Bruce Lee's weird bird call like sounds to a roar, and so on... my delight was just growing from being able to enjoy these at point-blank range. I also listened to an extremely creatively arranged cover of James Brown's famous ballad "It's a Man's Man's Man's World" (not included in "George and James").
Performances will be done until the 23rd. After starting almost 50 years ago, The Residents' one and only world only gets more polished.
(Harada 2017 03.22)